Garmin Bluechart G3 Chart - New Zealand and Australia
Featuring Navionics Data
- Includes realistic navigation features showing everything from shaded depth contours and coastlines to spot soundings, navaids, port plans, wrecks, obstructions, intertidal zones, restricted areas, IALA symbols and more.
- Features smooth displays, including seamless transitions between zoom levels and more continuity across chart boundaries.
- Allows users to choose between standard 2-D direct overhead or 3-D "over the bow" map perspective to make chart reading and orientation easier.
- Provides Safety Shading (in compatible units), allowing mariners to enable contour shading for all depth contours shallower than user-defined safe depths.
- Provides Fishing Charts (in compatible units), allowing mariners to scope out bottom contours and depth soundings with less visual clutter on the display.